BarberBro. PRO Mini Duster
BarberBro. PRO Mini Duster
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5-Star Service
- 99.5% On-Time Delivery: Depend on us for timely shipments of your essential barber supplies.
- Quality Products: Our barber capes, clippers, trimmers, and tools are crafted for professional use.
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The BarberBro. PRO Mini Duster, a game-changer for quick, efficient salon clean-ups. Compact, powerful, and designed for the professional barber.
- Rechargeable
- Compact
- Up to 85,000 rpm
- Ergonomic
- 2-hour charge
- 5-hour battery.
Perfect for busy Barbers, the BarberBro. PRO Mini Duster combines power with convenience. This ergonomic, rechargeable duster clears away hair and debris in seconds, offering variable speeds up to 85,000 rpm. Its compact design fits seamlessly into any workspace, while a quick charge and long battery life keep your services running smoothly. Essential for maintaining hygiene and client satisfaction, it's the ultimate tool for the modern professional.